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Humble Beginnings?

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Category : perspective

"Guys, who's class is it?"; "Oh, no"; "Let's catch up in the canteen"; these are the hushed voices one hears in our class before a lecturer arrives; and what happens after the lecturer arrives is ineffable.

Going back a few months, I see myself in a new institution, a completely new setting. We were freshly dispatched from different factories and were brought to this sorting facility, so that we could be sieved according to our merit and packed off to universities. We are expected to choose among the same old trodden paths (the careers where one is expected to earn the most).

The first few days of my college were very inert. The entry was even worse: I came in 15 minutes late to my first class and was told that I was too early for the next! I had introduced myself to the lecturer in English and some of my classmates had come to the conclusion that I knew neither Kannada nor Hindi nor Marathi (as a matter of fact, I haven't learnt to speak Marathi yet).

Having been in Hubli for the last 5 years, and now joining a science institution in Belgaum, where you know none, is a bit bizarre but more of a boon. There is absolutely no chance for any of my old stories to creep up; whether good, bad or embarrassing! Having my choice of language annulled (I had opted for French as a second language, but had to take up Hindi instead) and then having to write notes aimlessly in every class is a bit frustrating, but I feel it is better to adjust myself for the better, than try to change others altogether. So, I'm signing off this talk, hoping that I'll feel more comfortable in our college in the days to come.

I had written this piece 8-9 months ago, and I'd more than agree now that I've adjusted well to the new place and made many new acquaintances and friends.

About Aditya Jeevannavar

I conduct bioinformatics research as my dayjob and continue to stare at my laptop screen writing and tinkering on side-projects the rest of the day.