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Cringe Post 1 : New Year's Resolutions

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Category : perspective

This past year has been a fine upward facing parabolic morale curve with the bottom appearing depressive and slow, but the end ramped up just right. As every other simple minded Bitcoin speculator believes, "It only goes up from here."

Let's get right down to the purpose of this humongously purposeful post, my resolutions.

There are a few things that I absolutely have to get done, like do a research intern in the summer, lead my team to a Gold at the iGEM Jamboree, keep posting to this blog everyday.

Then there are qualitative things that cannot be done on its own but need me to regularly and constructively work toward, say for example learn French enough to hold a conversation, place top 3 in a quiz (I'm going to Nihilant this year. So yayyyy!!), learn to play a harmonica.

Then there are tinier things that might just make a difference, like travelling (hopefully there'll be more posts about new places here), trekking (not very high hopes here), basketball and generally staying fit (don't judge me, everyone resolves to do this too), some lucid dreaming, some scriptwriting, and lastly, an ability to say NO.

Ending on a frequent yet inspiring quote by the Vijs' dog, Krishi, "Woof!"

(Wow! That is a long resolution.)

About Aditya Jeevannavar

I conduct bioinformatics research as my dayjob and continue to stare at my laptop screen writing and tinkering on side-projects the rest of the day.